Code of conduct
Code of Contact for Players, Coaches and Parents
• players should make every effort to develop their own abilities in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina
• they must never criticise any team mate’s skills or technique
• give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game even if the team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved
• accept success and failure, victory and defeat, equally and always shake hands with the other team and match official at the end of the game
• set a positive example for all others and always have regard to the best interests of the game
• do not use inappropriate language or gestures and resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques
• make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help your own team win but you must avoid all forms of gamesmanship, and timewasting
• resist any influence which might, or might be seen to, bring into question your commitment to the team winning
• treat opponents with due respect at all times by safeguard the physical fitness of opponents, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured opponents irrespective of the result of the game
• know and abide by the laws, rules and spirit of the game, and the competition rules
• show due #Respect and accept the decisions of the match official without protest
• abide by the instructions of your club officials, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this code
• you must show #Respect towards your club’s officials, your opponent’s club officials and all supporters
• make sure you know the club’s Protection Officer and their full contact details
• talk to the club’s Protection Officer or another club official that you trust if you are unhappy about anything at the club
Parents Code of Conduct
We have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. Parents have a great influence on children’s enjoyment and success in football. Children play football because they, first and foremost, love the game. Remember children’s football is a time for them to develop and learn. We want them to win but not at all costs. Play your part by supporting your child and observe the Code of Conduct at all times.
I will:
• Remember that children play for FUN
• Applaud effort and good play
• Always respect the match officials’ decisions
• Remain outside the field of play or within the Designated Spectators’ Areas
• Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do
• Encourage your child, and others, or be quiet. Praise effort and performance, not results
• Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and officials
• Avoid criticising a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning
• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour.
• Parents must develop an appropriate supportive relationship with both the coach and their child based on mutual trust and respect
• Support the coach’s decisions and discuss any concerns directly with the coach
Fully supports the codes of conduct as introduced by the Scottish Football Association and includes additional clauses included below:-
• Allow all registered players, no matter their level of ability, the opportunity to play, provided they are fit, healthy & make a positive contribution to the team, participating fully in team events & adhering to the Players Code. An acceptable registered squad size will be at the discretion of each Team Manager.
• Respect the rights, dignity & worth of every player and treat everyone equally within the context of football.
• Always pursue fair play
• Prohibit use of camcorders and cameras unless parental consent has been provided
• Place safety and well-being of the player above the development of performance
• Be aware of the Club’s Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy & Procedures
• Ensure that coaching sessions are enjoyable, well-structured and focus on developing skills, decision making and a general understanding of the game
• Develop an appropriate working relationship with players based on mutual trust and respect
• Encourage players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
• Ensure that sessions and games are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual
• Display high standards of appearance and behaviour at all times while representing the Club
• Display high standards of correct behaviour in terms of avoiding aggressive demeanour and abusive language at all times while representing the Club
• Must avoid at all times any direct verbal engagement with opposing players, but must inform the referee and opposition coaches of any issues regarding unsportsmanlike or aggressive behaviour, protecting our own players from actual or even threatened violent behaviour.
• Must not undertake any written, SMS text, telephone, video or internet communications directly with individual players unless to communicate important team news.
• Must not hand out personal contact and known medical details of players without parental consent.
• Any requirement to reprimand players or deal with anti-social behaviour must be undertaken ideally with a volunteer colleague present or with the permission of the player’s parent.
• Transporting players should be done with the consent of the player’s parent and where possible coaches should have an additional adult present in the car with players outwith their own children
• At all times know where to find appropriate first-aid and a qualified first-aider and be aware of any known conditions within the team squad.
• Hold a current registered player list with contact numbers and known medical conditions at all activities.
By registering as a coach with Maryfield United I agree to abide by these principles. I support the Club in its undertakings and encourage the Club to take any necessary disciplinary actions, where warranted, of any coaches, players, parents and or spectators for repeated or serious breaches of these Codes of Conduct.